Tuesday, November 26, 2019

4 Reasons Youre Not Getting Hired

4 Reasons Youre Not Getting Hired4 Reasons Youre Not Getting HiredWhy is it so hard for millennials to find success in their job search? With all of the job search tools in the world today, it would seem that finding a job would just be a computer key away. So why are todays millennials having such a hard time finding their dream jobs? Check out the reasons youre not getting hired below.Four Reasons Youre Not Getting Hired1. Your resume doesnt stand out.Newsflash paper resumes are not outdated. You may think that with all of the online job boards in existence today that you no longer need a resume. Guess what? You are wrong. All job seekers still need a powerful resume that not only communicates your career history and skills, but also positions you as the ideal candidate for the job. Your resume should begin with a strategically written career summary, a highlight of your best achievements, and a career history that is saturated with the most relevant keywords for your position and industry. If you have typos on your resume, consider yourself out of the running immediately. If you are a recent graduate, or even a few years into the professional world, you need to realize that todays resume is not written in a black and white, standard flgel format with Times New Roman font. Seek out a professional to help you build a resume that will market your value and generate interviews.Sign-up for today and post your resume for thousands of companies to find2. You arent prepared for interviews.Your resume may get you the interview, but you still have to get through the interview and show the employer why you deserve the job. As soon as you get called for the interview, you need to start preparing. Research the company. Know its culture, people, products, and mission. Show up on time, be pleasant to the receptionist, and have multiple copies of your resume, as well as any relevant supporting documentation (reference page) to show you are fully prepared for your interview . Dress to impress, but dont overdo it. Leave your potent cologne and dangly jewelry at home- keep the focus on you and your expertise, not the bracelet that keeps bouncing on the hiring managers desk.3. You didnt follow up after the interview.Regardless of how your interview went, you need to send a thank you to the hiring manager you spoke with. And no- a text will not do. This is where you lean on the advice of your predecessors, the gen X crowd, and send a thank you via regular mail. Or, if youve been communicating with the hiring manager through email, zip off a sincere thank-you email, complete with your name in the subject line. Dont just say thank you. Reiterate how your skills make you a good fit for the job. 4. Your social media presence is considered anti-social.While we understand that most millennials are glued to their cell phones and tablets, we will never understand the need to have profanity and less-than-stellar photos and information on your Facebook, Twitter, Vin e, and Instagram posts. Have your parents ever told you once its out there, its out there? They speak the truth. Screenshots and cameras have almost taken the role of delete out of social media dialogue, as people have a way of saving almost anything that is posted. If youre actively seeking employment, clean up your digital dirt and revisit your security parameters on all of your sites. Many employers WILL check you out online before they even call you for an interview.Give them a great resume, kill it at the interview, send a heartfelt thank you after the interview, and dont post anything embarrassing on your social profiles. You will definitely have a great chance of finding the job youve been preparing for and dreaming about.Readers, do you know why youre not getting hired? What have you done to increase your success? Share with us belowStart Your Job Search. Sign Up for Today

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